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Giving Today - Grows Tomorrow

Everything you are looking at today, whether its this website, the church, the small groups, the baptisms, Student Ministry, Benevolence Care, or the Nursery Program, all of it is possible because of the generosity of others toward the Kingdom work we do as a church. To reassure you in your giving we want to make a few things clear:

All giving that comes in WILL go out. God did not call the church to be a bank. We financially give that we may spiritually, physically, and emotionally bless others.

If there is ever a fundraising campaign, for any reason, it will be separate from general giving and only specifically designated funds will go toward it. ​

Church Staff do not financially benefit from your giving. Salaries are determined each year and remain static regardless of giving levels. 

- If You Designate It, Its Designated. If God has laid on your heart to help a particular ministry at Navarro Mills, those funds will remain designated to that particular ministry. Simply specify what ministry you wish for your donation to go towards in the giving window. 


- We are transparent about our finances. All Covenant Members have access to financial reports that the church produces the 3rd week of each month. 


- Your Privacy Matters To Us. All giving is confidential and individual donations are kept private outside of calculating your Charitable Giving Deduction at the end of the calendar year. If you do not want your charitable giving calculated simply leave a note in the giving window when it appears. 


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